Black Woman GOES OFF On Kamala Harris And Black Journalists AMBUSHING AND DISRESPECTING Trump!



I’m a Democrat. I’m not voting Democrat for this President. I’m voting for Trump.

This woman isn’t wrong. Vote for Donald Trump.


  1. How much are they paying you, whatever it is it’s too much. Hope you like crow, because you’ve got a big plate to eat.

    • knee grows only have skin color, no content, no character. Black people are not like that. They don’t have to play the race card. Don’t disgrace your race, I’ll not insult mine. deal?

  2. You know, maybe if the NABJ treated an invitee with respect, they would get some respect in return. Treat the man as a human person. Duh! He showed up! Kamala Harris (an Indian and Jamaican and coward) didn’t bother. Trump has done a lot for black communities. I cannot disagree with anything the based woman in this piece said. She is 100% correct when she said that historically the Republican Party is responsible for the Civil Rights Movement in this country.

  3. It is true I have always wondered why black people always vote demonrats when it is the demonrats that have constantly been against black people freedom they were the slavers during the civil war they were the clu clux clan they segregated yall they have constantly said your to stupid to get a voter ID and yall keep voting for demonrats I can’t understand that it is the Republicans who gave and fought for your freedoms and it’s the demonrats trying to take them away I just can’t understand black reasoning and the demonrats are the most racist party it’s like black people just love to suffer

  4. I’m white not that it makes a difference, thank you for saying your opinion and feelings and facts
    and I agree with 100 plus %

  5. Great to see a Black woman who can’t have the wool pulled over HER eyes…..she speaks truth against the Dem falsehood of courting and improving lives of Black America. Wake up, people!

  6. Here is a question no one is asking where are all the black people in communist China before China turned communist thier were black people what happened to them where are all the black people in Ukraine or Russia communist countries seem to lack black people and demonrats are kissing kissy face with communist China and Ukraine mafia


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