Donald Trump just ended this journalists CAREER!!!! I told you “old Trump” was BACK!!!



I’m so sick of this insanity every single day

Donald Trump isn’t wrong. Vote for Donald Trump.


  1. Gary & David are obviously have their heads screwed up backwards. Speaking negatively about a brilliant Human being that started her political career with almost no help from anyone. She did not inherit 300 million Dollars from her Daddy. She is an immigrant who loves this country and it’s people that she became a part of this nation, nothing was handed to her on a silver platter or eating her meals with gold silverware, with servants, cooks, and Chauffeurs all around her to serve her. She had to struggle for Everything she has and that builds Character. To insult such a Unique woman who lead men most of her life and telling them what to do and gives them directions. She is a Competent Leader and calling her (low mentality person) is very low and disrespectful, but I am no surprised of what you said because you both Gary&David have no Honor exactly like your cult leader X president Donald Trump.

    • Elias, I know you mean well, K. Harris is not a leader. She’s going to close the boarder ….well do it now, who’s stopping you. You had 3 1/2 years to do it and you ignored the problem. She put up a bail fund for rioters….give me a break, she has commie written all over her. Open your eyes.

    • Do yourself a favor dude, go have yourself evaluated. After reading your comment you need it. On second thought, they can’t fix stupid. Gary & David are 100% right

  2. What David and Gary said☝️! Kamala Harris is a communist, a word salad socialist world class dumb ass! If she wins America will no longer be land of the free. Americans will be leaving and will become immigrants of Canada, I know I will be one of them. I refuse to live in a communist country!

  3. He sold his freedom cheaply and did nor study true history when a communist revolution takes place the first thing leaders do kill anyone with an education greater then stupid and kill all Christians then they kill everyone who started the revolution because if you start one revolution you will do it again because you learn that every one except the elitist starve to death and want to start another revolution after stupid people learn the hard way but it’s to late you become cannon lauder of stupid and because he happens in America it will be different lie lie every country that turned communist has all told the same lie propaganda and if you want to die so badly just move to your honey button communist China I am sure they will love you much

  4. In everything they do and say, I believe they are Communists. Please do your homework and be very careful about your precious vote.


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