Liberal ABC Anchor STUNNED After Republican REFUSES To Allow Him To Push Kamala Harris’ Propaganda!



Mexican Americans for Donald J Trump!!

Vote for Donald Trump


  1. Cynthia, it is 100% true that you MAGAS are ignorant hillbillies Morons. The best and the most sophisticated Europsean countries such as Germany, England, France,Italy, have Medicare for all for Years, and Years. They are Happy, Healthy, Successful productive People. Inspite the Fact that Each Country I mentioned have by far less working people than our 350 millions in America. So. You uninformed Mega Chica, We are not Venezuela, We are THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. And we are going to protect These United States from the HUMPTY DUMPTY TRUMPTY And his blind Followers.

    • Elias…it is 100% true that democrats are and have been the ignorant idiot. You want a Venezuela country. You want the government to provide everything to the millions of people here and control what they can and can’t have. You and your kind are the morons of this country and why we are in the mess we are in. Talk about the kettle calling the pot black. You are uninformed. Maybe you like paying more for everything like we have the last 3+ years. The majority of us don’t. Yeah…we see where you want this to go.

    • Keep smoking that stuff! Where did you live in Europe? If today, you had to leave the —Box in mom’s basement, and she told you “no more free meals or board”. What would you do? In France you will shell-out about 60% of your wages for taxes. True, you buy a car, you pay much higher taxes and VAT. when you purchase the plates, they are yours. You don’t have to renew them every couple years. And if you play the European Lottery and it say’s on Friday: GAGNEZ €300,000,000 Euros. That’s what you get. You pay no taxes on it. It said you win 300 million euros, and that’s what you get, no taxes. Not false advertising like here. Win 300,000,000 and take cash option, they scrape 1/2 of it off. Now you have 150,000,000 and you still pay taxes. If you take the 300,000,000 over the 25/years, you pay taxes every year. But what I’m saying in the end, whether here or there, you got to pay to play. And Europe was always good with retiring young. But now, they are slowly moving it (age) up, higher and higher. Next year in the USA, car insurance is going to really jump. I live in the state that’s the worst of 50. If Kamala wins, I will go back to France. She and Borrack still want to pay that $92Trillion for the Green Air Faux-pas. I want to be there when your money arrives, as the USA will be broken!

  2. It’s hard to believe people who have lost financially from bideeconomics ca m even think of voting for Harris a liar and imposter.

  3. The facts are in the numbers and numbers do not lie. The growing government deficit, the unbalanced debts in large cities across the country, the level of our education where 50% or less at at elementary bottom levels by graduation, the record setting inflation, the number of deaths from wars and pending wars, the rising crime, the rising numbers of illegal immigrants and the funds to pay for are taken from the Social Security fund paid for by working US citizens, the growing numbers of homeless of US citizens, the Wallstreet tumble. When does it stop? I say when DEMs/ communism is removed from any control of any public entity in the USA. Only then will balance be returned.


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