Navy SEAL Sniper Climbs Roof Where Assassin Shot Trump, Discovers SHOCKING Proof Of Cover-Up: WHAT?!


Members of Congress are on the scene of the attack on President Trump and they discovered something odd about the “pitched roof”


Americans are tired of being lied to.

I bet Trump supporters could gather a team of people at each rally to do a better job watching and protecting him.


  1. At 7:05 the the video shows a ladder type deal attached to the side of the building that could easily been used to climb the wall. At the top of the eave is a gutter that could easily hide an AR15 without the magazine attached. Is there another such attachment on the other end of the building off to the left? Walla! The way to the roof and a rifle in the gutter.

  2. What both of these gentlemen said☝️! The Biden/Harris administration don’t want President Trump in the White House, so they tried to have him killed. President Trump survived, what are the democrats going to do now? Are they going to keep trying to kill him until the succeed 🤔!

  3. The FBI – broke the law trying to keep Trump from being elected in 2016- abuse of the supposedly very protected FISA Warrants, framing Trump supporters in order to coerce them into incriminating Trump in order to save themselves from charges and imprisonment; planting CIA agent in Whitehouse to spy on President Trump; and it has gone on and on with bogus charges and prosecutions since he left office. Since much of America personally loathed him and ignored this very dangerous behavior from the top of our huge over-powerful bureaucracies they said nothing. We are close to allowing our great nation, land of opportunity, to be overrun by illegal aliens and flushed down the toilet – not because of any policies or Foreign Affairs blunders, but because many do NOT LIKE HIM PERSONALLY!!i REALLY????? It becomes easier, certainly, to believe that the assassination attempt was very preventable if desired!!??? Nothing could be scarier to a free people!!!


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