Republicans Launch MASSIVE Investigation Into Multi-MILLION Dollar Democrat Fundraising FRAUD



They should ask for a refund on all their donations

Me and my family are white folks and we’re voting for Trump 2024


  1. when fraud is proven by Democrats is there going to be any consequenses? This seems like a felony and lots of prison time should be given instead of a slap on the hand!!

  2. On the internet for all to see: The Communist USA Party fully supports the Democratic Party and their Globalist-Socialist Government controlling directional narrative that the party is currently taken America! “Wake up Democrats”!!!

    • The democrats are wide awake and they know what they’re doing. Republicans are letting them do it why exactly I have not a clue although I can make several guesses. To protect themselves from democrats wrath. To protect the money they get from the billions in graft being sent overseas that can’t be accounted for. To protect their seats in congress. To make sure democrats achieve the common goal of destroying America bit by bit instead of destroying it all at once. To keep all the RINOS in office (your on your own with this on).
      To try an take down a sitting president by befriending him after he’s elected for another term.

      • Some republicans are RINO and some are plain afraid to say anything against the other party. They are “gallos que ponen”

    • The democrats are wide awake and they know what they’re doing. Republicans are letting them do it why exactly I have not a clue although I can make several guesses. To protect themselves from democrats wrath. To protect the money they get from the billions in graft being sent overseas that can’t be accounted for. To protect their seats in congress. To make sure democrats achieve the common goal of destroying America bit by bit instead of destroying it all at once. To keep all the RINOS in office (your on your own with this on).
      To try an take down a sitting president by befriending him after he’s elected for another term.

      Just tried to post and I’m told I’ve already said this. If I did I’d like to know when an where I did this. I have no memory of ever having to repeat myself on a key issue especially on the same platform. If I did prove it.

  3. why arent they catching the grannies, others for donating so much money, they are using grannies names? None of this makes sense to be except for dems frauds to continue. But it appears to me that names continuing and tons of money in their names, would alert someone besides our journalists on line. Act Blue is money laundering for political democrats. Dirty

  4. Democrats, which should now just be called communist, will do anything to stay in power. Too many R.I.N.O.s sit back and watch it happen. When the majority of our federal government is very corrupt, some people know that when they try and do something about it, they will end up in jail.


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