Are we gunna pretend this NEVER HAPPENED?! lol



She screams democracy while being installed as a candidate. What hypocrisy.

Hating Trump is not a platform


  1. Kamala never really had the political intelligence to get into politics. You and everyone else sees this each time she opens her mouth. Watch her rhetoric , don’t let me persuade you, that won’t do anything positive and leave a lasting impression, a critically needed proper judgement. Just listen to her and realize she speaks in circles, stupid circles. The content of her output is stupid and very ignorant. This is the same way a person talks that has hurt themselves with mind altering drugs too. This is why she’s not going to do debates with Trump, the party leadership knows she will make a fool of herself and them too! How can we allow her to pretend she can handle the responsibilities that come with this job? It would be like having a crackhead flying a passenger plane full of people. What do you think would happen there.

    • You know that all of the flipping on her previous promises/plans for America when she was campaigning against Biden is what her agenda is all about. If we are so unfortunate to have her elected, she will resort back to her original plans. She is anti-America 100%!

  2. Agree with Gary 100% she definitely not even vice presidential material since the one job designated to her by Joe Biden was to take care of the problem at the border and millions of undocumented illegals crossed over on Her watch, if she couldn’t even handle that one job how can she possibly handle being the president of the united states of America.

    • She wasn’t even DA and then AG material in CA. Certainly not Senator material in Congress. Exactly what has she done as VP? I just don’t understand her following except to keep the Dem movement alive.

  3. It should have been obvious a long time ago that Kamala and FJB were not in charge of anything. They are figureheads put out front for public consumption. They control nothing. That is being done behind the scenes by George Soros and his cabal who also controlled obama. This is the ‘Wizard of Oz’ – man behind the curtain. That’s why they are so scared of Donald Trump — they don’t want control going back to ‘We the People’.

  4. She is a drunk pervert queen that hates America that is her only qualifications which makes her the perfect demonrats and demonrats hate America always have and America has a demonrats infection keep voting for more kind of like herpes people can’t stop playing with thier own destruction and want more

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