Joe & Kamala just got BOOED into OBLIVION!! lol



Oh, you’re speaking? Nobody cares! Trump 2024!

I’m here because we believe in democracy, says the lady who won ZERO elections at all to get to that podium.


  1. She is a coward and scarred to dealth to debate Trump!!! She won’t
    say it but it is written all over her face!!!! Working on it huh?? Right!!
    She knows she will be destroyed if she does a non rigged debate with
    Trump!!!! FACT !!! She has nothing other than leading our country
    down the path to destruction. All the money all the celebrities in the
    country will not change that. It’s the normal average American that
    will make the difference here as the celeb’s make thier way back to
    their mansions & stacks of money….that will make a difference !!!!!!
    Get real ok????

  2. What is it with this project 2025? Why does she Trump is associated with that? Trump has said repeatedly that he is not! Kamala Harris is a joke! She’s a lover communist and socialist who is going to lose in November! Trump 2024

    • When all the LIES and BS are released from communist Democrat party there will be nothing left !!

      What has Kamala done for Americans in last 3+ yrs ??

      And are you ok with not having a choice in whom you wanted to run for president ?? You have up democracy and like the ignorant lemmings you are you allowed the communist Democrat elite TELL YOU who the candidate would be!! That is typical communist move !! And the democrat cult let it happen. !

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